Staff Detail

Profession : Associate Professor
Designation : Director, Postgraduate and Internationalization Center
  • Siew Mooi Ching, Rajvinder Singh, Fatimah Shahidah Binti Azmi, Khian Lu Chong, Cynthia Ruey Shyuan Ong, Nur Afiqah Binti Ayob, Mansi Patil, Kai Wei Lee, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Viresh Arora. Prevalence and factors associated with probable obstructive sleep apnea among patients with hypertension in two primary care clinics in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. Irish Journal of Medical Science 2023. Impact factor 2.089
  • Santhoshkumar, Murali, Dhandapani Perumal, Jayaraman Narenkumar, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Karnan Muthusamy, Ahmed Alfarhan, and Ernest David. ""Potential use of bio functionalized nanoparticles to attenuate triple negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231 cells)."" Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2023): 1-9. Impact factor 3.4
  • Asieh Kouhi Fayegh, Hazwan Mat Din, Wan Aliaa Wan Sulaiman, Maryam Ravanipour, Hamidon Basri, Mohd Hazmi Bin Mohamed, Vasudevan Ramachandran & Liyana Najwa Inche Mat. Relationship of sleep quality, chronotype, and obstructive sleep apnea with migraine in the elderly population. Neuropsychiatrie . 2023. Scopus
  • Ansari, Neda, Vasudevan
  • Ramachandran, Nur Afiqah Mohamad, Elnaz Salim, Patimah Ismail, Mohamad Hazmi, and Liyana Najwa Inchee Mat. ""Association of GCK (rs1799884), GCKR (rs780094), and G6PC2 (rs560887) Gene Polymorphisms with Type 2 Diabetes among Malay Ethnics."" Global Medical Genetics 10, no. 1 (2023): 12-18. Scopus
  • Thew, Hui Zhu, Siew Mooi Ching, Nurin Amalina Sallahuddin, Puteri Nur Dayana Nooralirakiz, Thessa Sharmila David, Imran Kamal Hafiz Zaidi, Navin Kumar Devaraj et al. ""Prevalence of Burnout and Its Associated Factors among Medical Students in a Public University in Selangor, Malaysia: a Cross-Sectional Study."" Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 2023; 19(1):197-204. Scopus
  • Thew, Hui Zhu, Ching Siew Mooi, Hooi Min Lim, Anak Mos, Mike Hitler, Lorna Chin Kin Tze, Kui Feng Low et al. ""Prevalence and determinants of medications non-adherence among patients with uncontrolled hypertension in primary care setting in Sarawak, Malaysia: A cross-sectional study."" Malaysian Family Physician 17, no. 3 (2022). Scopus
  • Nabil Izzaatie Mohamad Safiai; Nur Afiqah Mohamad; Hamidon Basri; Liyana Najwa Inche Mat; Fan Kee Hoo; Anna Misyail Abdul Rashid; Abdul Hanif Khan Yusof Khan; Janudin Baharin; Wei Chao Loh; Intan Nureslyna Samsudin; Mohd Hazmi Mohamed; Aaron Fernandez; Kai Wei Lee; Mooi Ching Siew; Patricia Pozo-Rosich; Vasudevan Ramachandran; Wan Aliaa Wan Sulaiman. High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation at dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for migraine prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cephalalgia, 2022; Sep;42(10):1071-1085. Impact factor 6.07
  • Tey YY, Ching SM, Maharajan MK, Lee KW, Chow ZY, Chua PW, Tan CX, Lim SN, Tan CH, Thew HZ, Ramachandran V. Prevalence and factors associated with sexual dysfunction among middle-aged women in a multi-ethnic country: A cross sectional study in Malaysia. Malaysian Family Physician. 2022;17(1). Scopus
  • Elnaz Salim, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Neda Ansari, Patimah Ismail, Mohd Hazmi Mohamed, Nur Afiqah Mohamad, Liyana Najwa Inche Mat, ""Association of Endothelin-Converting Enzyme and Endothelin-1 Gene Polymorphisms with Essential Hypertension in Malay Ethnics. Genetics Research, vol. 2022, Article ID 9129960, 7. Impact factor- 1.3
  • Sabah Ghasan Abood Al-Ashoor, Vasudevan Ramachandran*, Liyana Najwa Inche Mat, Nur Afiqah Mohamad, Mohd Hazmi Mohamed, Wan Aliaa Wan Sulaiman*. Analysis of OCT1, OCT2 and OCT3 Gene Polymorphisms among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus subjects in Indian Ethnicity, Malaysia. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 29(1):453-459. Impact factor-4.2.
  • Ker Hsin Ng, Visvaraja Subrayan, Vasudevan Ramachandran*, Fazliana Ismail*. Screening of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms among Fuchs’ Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy Subjects in Malaysia. Egyptian Journal of Medical Huma Genetics, 22, 73 (2021). Scopus
  • Nabil Izzaatie MS, NurAfiqah M, Hamidon B, Liyana Najwa IM, Fan Kee H, Anna Misyail AR, Abdul Hanif KYK, Wei Chao L, Janudin B, Aaron F, Intan Nureslyna S, Mohd Hazmi M, Siew MC, Kai WL, Vasudevan R, Pozo-Rosich P, Wan Aliaa WS. High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation at dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for migraine prevention: A protocol for a systematic review of controlled trials. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0251528. Impact factor-3.7.
  • Lim SY, Chan YM, Ramachandran V, Shariff ZM, Chin YS, Arumugam M. Dietary Acid Load and Its Interaction with IGF1 (rs35767 and rs7136446) and IL6 (rs1800796) Polymorphisms on Metabolic Traits among Postmenopausal Women. Nutrients. 23;13(7):2161. Impact factor-6.7.
  • Lim, Sook Yee, Yoke Mun Chan, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Zalilah Mohd Shariff, Yit Siew Chin, and Manohar Arumugam. ""Dietary Acid Load and Its Interaction with IGF1 and IL6 Polymorphisms on Metabolic Traits among Postmenopausal Women. Nutrients Impact factor- 6.7
  • Lim, S.Y., Chan, Y.M., Vasudevan, R, Zalilah, M.S. and Chin, Y.S., 2021. No Interaction Effect between Interleukin-6 Polymorphisms and Acid Ash Diet with Bone Resorption Marker in Postmenopausal Women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Jan 19;18(2):827-. Scopus
  • NI MS, Amir NA, Basri H, LN IM, Hoo FK, AHK YK, Loh WC, Chia PK, Ramachandran V, Samsudin IN, Fernandez A. Effectiveness and tolerability of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for preventive treatment of episodic migraine: a single-centre, randomised, double-blind, sham-controlled phase 2 trial (Magnet-EM). Trials. 11;21(1). Impact factor-2.78.
  • Albujja MH, Vasudevan R, Alghamdi S, Pei CP, Ghani KA, Ranneh Y, Ismail PB. A review of studies examining the association between genetic biomarkers (short tandem repeats and single-nucleotide polymorphisms) and risk of prostate cancer: the need for valid predictive biomarkers. Prostate international. 1;8(4):135-45. Impact factor-3.07.
  • Ching SM, Yee A, Lee PY, Ramachandran V, Shum KM, Ismael NF, Wan Sulaiman WA, Hoo FK, Foo YL, Lee KW, Danaee M. Psychometric properties of the Malay version of the diabetes empowerment scale among hospital Serdang type 2 diabetes mellitus patients using exploratory factor analysis. Health and quality of life outcomes. 2020 Dec;18:1-9. Impact factor-2.27.
  • Lee KW, Ching SM, Hoo FK, Ramachandran V, Chong SC, Tusimin M, Ang FE, Mohd Nordin N, Devaraj NK. Factors associated with poor-to-moderate quality of life among pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study in Malaysia. Quality of Life Research. 2020 Oct;29:2725-36. Impact factor-3.4.
  • Soo MJ, Chow ZY, Ching SM, Tan CH, Lee KW, Devaraj NK, Salim HS, Ramachandran V, Lim PY, Sivaratnam D, Hoo FK. Prevalence, awareness and control of hypertension in Malaysia from 1980-2018: A systematic review and meta-analysis. World Journal of Meta-Analysis. 2020 Aug 28;8(4):320-44. Scopus
  • Lim SY, Chan YM, Vasudevan R, Zalilah MS, Chin YS. Interaction Between Dietary Acid Load and IL6-572 G/C Polymorphism on Blood Pressure Among Postmenopausal Women in Malaysia. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020 Jun;4(Suppl 2):1264. Scopus.
  • Lee, Kai Wei, Siew Mooi Ching, Fan Kee Hoo, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Seng Choi Chong, Maiza Tusimin, Noraihan Mohd Nordin, Navin Kumar Devaraj, Ai Theng Cheong, and Yook Chin Chia. ""Neonatal outcomes and its association among gestational diabetes mellitus with and without depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study."" Midwifery 81 (2020): 102586. Impact factor-2.6/
  • Lee, Kai Wei, Siew Mooi Ching, Fan Kee Hoo, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Seng Choi Chong, Maiza Tusimin, and Noraihan Mohd Nordin. ""Prevalence and factors associated with depressive, anxiety and stress symptoms among women with gestational diabetes mellitus in tertiary care centres in Malaysia: a cross-sectional study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth 19."" (2019): 1-11. Impact factor-3.1.
  • Mohamad, Nur Afiqah, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Hazlita Mohd Isa, Yoke Mun Chan, Nor Fariza Ngah, Siew Mooi Ching, Fan Kee Hoo, Wan Aliaa Wan Sulaiman, Liyana Najwa Inche Mat, and Mohd Hazmi Mohamed. ""Association of HTRA1 and ARMS2 gene polymorphisms with response to intravitreal ranibizumab among neovascular age-related macular degenerative subjects.."" Human genomics 13, no. 1 (2019): 13. Impact factor-3.5.
  • Ching, Yuan Kei, Yit Siew Chin, Mahenderan Appukutty, Vasudevan Ramanchadran, Choo Yee Yu, Geik Yong Ang, Wan Ying Gan, Yoke Mun Chan, Lay Kek Teh, and Mohd Zaki Salleh. ""Interaction of dietary linoleic acid and α-linolenic acids with rs174547 in FADS1 gene on metabolic syndrome components among vegetarians."" Nutrients 11, no. 7 (2019): 1686. Impact factor-6.7
  • Sulaiman, Wan Aliaa Wan, Joseph Kamtchum-Tatuene, Mohd Hazmi Mohamed, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Siew Mooi Ching, Sazlyna Mohd Sazlly Lim, Hasnur Zaman Hashim, Liyana Najwa Inche Mat, Fan Kee Hoo, and Hamidon Basri. ""Anti-Wolbachia therapy for onchocerciasis & lymphatic filariasis: Current perspectives."" The Indian journal of medical research 149, no. 6 (2019): 706. Impact factor-5.2
  • Minhat, H. S., R. Vasudevan, Raja Adnan RNE, and R. Ibrahim. ""Impact of gender on sexual problems and perceptions among urban Malay elderly in Malaysia."" Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 81 (2019): 240-244. Impact factor-4.1
  • Kei, Ching Yuan, Chin Yit Siew, Appukutty Mahenderan, Ramachandran Vasudevan, Gan Wan Ying, and Chan Yoke Mun. ""Interaction Between rs174547 and Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Metabolic Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease among Malaysian Vegetarians."" In Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, vol. 75, pp. 195-195. Impact factor-5.9
  • Lee, Kai Wei, Siew Mooi Ching, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Anne Yee, Fan Kee Hoo, Yook Chin Chia, Wan Aliaa Wan Sulaiman, Subapriya Suppiah, Mohd Hazmi Mohamed, and Sajesh K. Veettil. ""Prevalence and risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus in Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis."" BMC pregnancy and childbirth 18, no. 1 (2018): 494. Impact factor-3.1
  • Jaafar, Nur Ilyana, Ramachandran Vasudevan, Patimah Ismail, Ahmad Fazli Abdul Aziz, Nur Afiqah Mohamad, Geetha Kandavello, Raja Nurzatul Effah Raja Adnan, and Vinod Balasubramaniam. ""Analysis of angiotensin converting enzyme, endothelial nitric oxide synthase & serotonin gene polymorphisms among atrial septal defect subjects with and without pulmonary arterial hypertension."" Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 5, no. 3 (2018): 48. Impact factor-4.4
  • Ching, Yuan Kei, Yit Siew Chin, Mahenderan Appukutty, Wan Ying Gan, Vasudevan Ramanchadran, and Yoke Mun Chan. ""Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its associated factors among vegetarians in Malaysia."" International journal of environmental research and public health 15, no. 9 (2018): 2031. Scopus
  • Mohamad, Nur Afiqah, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Patimah Ismail, Hazlita Mohd Isa, Yoke Mun Chan, Nor Fariza Ngah, Norshakimah Md Bakri et al. ""Analysis of the association between CFH Y402H polymorphism and response to intravitreal ranibizumab in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD. Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences 18, no. 3 (2018): 260-267. Impact factor-3.76
  • Lim, SookYee, Shariff Zalilah Mohd, YitSiew Chin, Ramachandran Vasudevan, and YokeMun Chan. ""Dietary acid load, IGF-1 single nucleotide polymorphism and bone resorption among postmenopausal Chinese women."" Nutrients 10, no. 7. Impact factor-6.7
  • Tabatabaee, Farizeh Aalam Ghomi, Ramachandran Vasudevan, Farzad Heidari, Somayeh Khazaei, Ali Etemad, and Patimah Ismail. ""Association of MMP-1, 9, 12 and TIMP-1 gene polymorphisms in Malaysian male hypertensive subjects."" Biomedical Research 29, no. 9 (2018): 1734-42. Scopus
  • Yang Liang Boo, Liyana Najwa Inche Mat, Hon Shen P’ng, Siew Mooi Ching, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Wan Aliaa Wan Sulaiman, Hakimah Mohammad, Mohd Hazmi Mohamed, Foo Yoke, Hoo Fan Kee. Perception of adults on electronic cigarettes (E-cigarette) in a Malaysian tertiary care centre. Journal of Cancer Policy. Scopus
  • Sulaiman, Wan Aliaa Wan, Suhainizam Muhamad Saliluddin, Yun Jin Ong, Sazlyna Mohd Sazlly Lim, Liyana Najwa Inche Mat, Fan Kee Hoo, Ramachandran Vasudevan, Siew Mooi Ching, Hamidon Basri, and Mohd Hazmi Mohamed. ""A cross sectional study assessing the knowledge and attitudes towards lumbar puncture among the staff of a public university in Malaysia."" Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 6, no. 1 (2018): 29-33. Scopus
  • Mohamad, Nur Afiqah, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Patimah Ismail, Hazlita Mohd Isa, Yoke Mun Chan, Nor Fariza Ngah, Norshakimah Md Bakri, Siew Mooi Ching, Fan Kee Hoo, and Wan Aliaa Wan Sulaiman. ""R102G polymorphism of the complement component 3 gene in Malaysian subjects with neovascular age-related macular degeneration."" Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics 19, no. 2 (2018): 77-81. Scopus

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