Profession : Professor
Faculty / Division / Unit : FACULTY OF PHARMACY
Ext. No. : 109
Education & Qualification
- PhD. Pharmacology - International Islamic University Malaysia, 2009
- MSc. Herbal Medicine - University of Sydney, 2004
- MD. Medical Doctor - University Science of Malaysia, 1995
- Commercialization of carotenoids extract from cucurbitae family Malaysian plants. RM 1,500,000. MARDITECH Grant (2011-2014). Principal Researcher. Completed.
- Fabrication and evaluation of a halal medicated hydrogel film from standardized Centella asiatica for wound healing. MIRGS13-01-001-0006. 1 October 2013- 30 September 2016 (3 years). RM161,000. Co researcher. Ongoing
- Steinbeis Innovation Voucher (STIV) by Steinbeis Foundation under MOSTI. RM 200,000. Expertise. Facilitation of Medical Leech and Fertilization. Ongoing.
- Pre clinical and clinical study of BAUNKEM product as potential herbal product for wound healing. HDO. Herbal Development Office, Ministry Agriculture (2014-2017) RM 3,200,000. Principal Researcher.
- Genetic susceptibility and pharmacogenetic of schizophrenia : disc-1 and drd2 regions. RM 20,000. IIUM Endowment Fund Type A (2011-2014). Co researcher. Completed.
- The screening of local herbs for treating non healing wound ulcers.RM 20,000. IIUM Endowment Fund Type A (2011-2014). Principal researcher. Completed.
- RIGS 2016 : Principal Researcher. RM 20,000. The Danio rerio angiogenesis inhibitor as anti-cancer effects in Clinacanthus nutans ,Orthosipon stamineus Luvunga scandens and Annona muricata extracts.
Awards & Recognitions
- Best Oral Presentation Diabetes Asia 2014
- Bronze medal’ Isolation of a promising anti-diabetic agent (5,7-dihydroxy-8-methoxyflavone) from the leaves of Malaysian herb “Tetracera indica” and its in vivo toxicological studies. IRIIE 2014.